Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Dear Amelia

Dear Amelia

Its 9am on Friday morning and I am standing watching you walk to school for the last time...........The last time ever...........(Well apart from going in for your exams but I will probably drive you in to calm your nerves). You look so tall and beautiful that my heart swells with pride until I just cannot watch you anymore, a single tear escapes from my eye and I get that familiar feeling of dread in my heart as I remember that this it is almost the end of an era......................The end of the life that we have known for the past 18 years.

I can still remember your first day at school, just 4 years old with a bobbed haircut and 2 front teeth missing. You clung to me as if your life depended on it and I sobbed as I walked home after leaving you hanging from the teachers leg begging me not to go..............I thought my heart was going to break and almost ran back when it was time to pick you up at lunchtime. You jumped into my arms with such force I almost fell over....................."Phew" you said "Have I done school now"?.....................Oh dear oh dear.

It took you a good 6 weeks to get used to it but once you did.............You loved it, even though you were the youngest in the class it didn't faze you and the teachers loved you to bits. You insisted on wearing tights every day and unbeknown to me decided that it would be a good idea to wear knickers over the top to stop them falling down.................Makes perfect sense now.

You breezed through school both Primary and Secondary and decided very early on that you wanted to be a teacher when you grew up...............And now you have..................You have grown up.........Right before my eyes................In a blur................In a rush ......................And far too quickly.

Now time suddenly seems more precious than ever, we don't have long until you leave for your next big adventure.................................Your biggest adventure ever....................................4 months to be precise..................................4 months until I am sure my heart will break again as I have to leave you again except this time at University.

To say I will be proud will be an understatement but selfishly I will wish that you had decided to get a job right up the road and live at home forever..............................But, I will put on a brave face and smile just as I did on your first day at Primary school telling you that everything will be fine and that I will be back to pick you up soon.....................................I just hope you will pack plenty of knickers to wear over those tights.

Love You To The Moon And Back

I am linking up with the fabulous Loud 'n' Proud

3 Children and It

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Pink Knickers and Lemon Meringue Pie.

Several things happened in quick succession today that have almost made me want to reach for the Gin bottle or at worst start smoking............

1. Male Teen decided that this morning was a fantastic time to throw an epic strop of all proportions due to the fact I refused to give him a letter excusing him from P.E............."OH MY GOD IT'S LIKE SO UNFAIR...........I'VE BEEN COUGHING ALL MORNING (he had actually coughed once due to eating his toast too quickly and said toast went down the wrong hole ) AND I HAVEN'T SLEPT ALL NIGHT (another exaggeration of the truth.........He got up twice for a wee because he had drunk so much Coke) I HATE MY LIFE......." And that was the end of that. "LOVE YOU" I shouted as he was about to leave........BANG went the door.

2. Female Teen announced that she had a driving lesson at 9am, this is something I just cannot get used to...........................She is in charge of a car....................I fear that her attention will wander as she spots a pretty dress in the window of a shop. I said I wasn't going to watch her pull away but I lied and hid behind the Voile's until she had gone. The last time I saw her drive a car was an ELC Cosy Coupe and she wasn't very good at that to be fair.

3. Decided to get a wash on early and grabbed a bunch of whites................What I didn't notice was a pair of bright and I mean bright pink knickers (not mine) amongst all the washing............I won't go into details but you can imagine what happened next. Am now soaking Mr DG's baby pink shirts in bleach and Vanish hoping to bring them back to life. Failing that I am going to lie and say a Golden Eagle swooped down and snatched them all from the line.........WHAT..........Come on........I'd believe that.

4. Phoned Estate Agents to see if anything new had come on the market.........Did I mention we are moving???......Well, we are...............Sold ours but now can't find anything. Result.......Something new has appeared...............Had a drive over there to check it out before viewing ................................... .......................Bugger...................Backs onto a Grave Yard....................On the positive side at least the neighbours are dead quiet (sorry, couldn't resist). Tried to overlook the downside only to be told by The Female Teen that she would never come home for Uni if we moved there due to convincing herself that The Night Of The Walking Dead would happen if we did live there.

5. Decided to get a head start on all the candle orders I have committed too...............Today was Lemon Meringue Pie. Everything was going well until I caught the tiny bottle of very potent fragrance oil and knocked it all over the side. Grabbed my pipette and sucked up as much as I could squeezing it back into the bottle..................Phew I thought..............Lucky escape..........................
..................WRONG................Oil has seeped into crack on work top and my kitchen now smells like a sodding Lemon grove........................Dog is still sneezing and my eyes are watering.

6. Treated myself to a new bottle of rather expensive foundation only to discover the dippy sales assistant has given me the wrong shade and I almost resembled someone that has had one too many spray tans.............................................Remember that episode of Friends with Ross and the tanning booth.......................Well.......................That.

7. In my anger at the previous point grabbed what I thought was the toothpaste (which I must add had been left next to the toothbrushes) and squeezed a hefty helping onto my toothbrush only to find out one I had shoved it in my mouth that it was in fact bloody hand cream ............................................................................................................BLURGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!.

What a bloody morning, what a waste of good make up and what the hell has happened today.........................Are the Gods above playing a game with me today or is it just because I had such a nice weekend that someone thought it might be fun to heap a ton of bad luck on me.

Either way I am not going to let it get me down......................I have sniffed the bottle of Gin and taken a few deep breaths...........................Oh Hang on.......................All I can taste is that bloody Lemon Meringue Pie oil in my throat..........Hopefully the hand cream will counteract it.

Lots of Love

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

BritMums Live 2015

Its almost time to pack my little suitcase, dust off my notebook and catch the train up to London to take part in the best social event ever.......And I mean ever.

This will be my 3rd BritMums Live and I am looking forward to it so much that I am like a small kid at Xmas, I wasn't going to do a Meme this year but after seeing so many I decided I probably should...............But......................I also decided I would cheat a little bit and use last years photos as it was very popular and helped people to recognise me. So.............Here I am..........................................

1. This is my "OH MY GOD ITS YOU, GET OVER HERE AND HUG ME" face. This is usually accompanied by a slight squealing noise that unfortunately escapes from my mouth at any given moment when I recognise your name.

2. Next is my "I cant find my glasses and cant bloody read your name badge" look. You will notice many people staring at your boobs.......Not hard to miss in my case.

3. At number 3 we have the "Did someone say there was cake over there" expression. There is lots of food to eat so my top tip is..............................Elasticated trousers or Super Glue as Lip Gloss


4. This is possibly how you may find me on Saturday morning after a few (cough cough) glasses of the fizzy stuff.

5. Here we have my "Its all over and I don't want to go home" very sad face.....................Look at that face..........................Its like Puss In Boots.

6. Assuming you still don't recognise me................................Here's my normal (I use these words loosely) face.

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon...............................Not long now.........................Squeal !!!!!!

P.S If you did see this last year than I am sorry but I would still like a hug.