Monday, 29 July 2013

What's The Story

I am linking up again this week with the gorgeous Charly at PODcast over on What's The Story. It so lovely to have a chance to link up a favourite photo and say a little bit about the thoughts that went through your head when you took it.

This picture was taken from our trip to New York in April this year. We went to see the new Memorial Gardens at Ground Central with some hesitation at what we might find and how we may feel. What we discovered when we arrived was a beautiful serene place to pay your respects to all of those brave and innocent people who had lost their lives on the 9th September. We stood for hours looking at all the names on the walls that surrounded the new waterfalls and couldn't help but run our hands over the engravings as if to have some connection with them. The place is still heavily guarded as you would expect and there were many people just sitting there staring up at the sky, had they lost a loved one ? Or were they just as moved as we were.


  1. I can only imagine how poignant this was, brings a tear to my eye still...

  2. Wow this must have been incredible, the engraving looks immense too. I passed ground zero last year but just to walk past (was working) - such a serene atmosphere even there. Thank you for linking up with #whatsthestory

  3. Simply beautiful. My mum and dad visited NY a couple of years ago and were left speechless by the chapel that was next door to the Towers and remained intact. It now acts as almost a museum. I've just shown them your photo and mum's eyes have just welled; she said it brought back to many emotions for her. Lovely post xx

    1. Awww bless her, it really was the most moving experience I have had in a long time. xx


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