Wednesday, 6 May 2015

BritMums Live 2015

Its almost time to pack my little suitcase, dust off my notebook and catch the train up to London to take part in the best social event ever.......And I mean ever.

This will be my 3rd BritMums Live and I am looking forward to it so much that I am like a small kid at Xmas, I wasn't going to do a Meme this year but after seeing so many I decided I probably should...............But......................I also decided I would cheat a little bit and use last years photos as it was very popular and helped people to recognise me. So.............Here I am..........................................

1. This is my "OH MY GOD ITS YOU, GET OVER HERE AND HUG ME" face. This is usually accompanied by a slight squealing noise that unfortunately escapes from my mouth at any given moment when I recognise your name.

2. Next is my "I cant find my glasses and cant bloody read your name badge" look. You will notice many people staring at your boobs.......Not hard to miss in my case.

3. At number 3 we have the "Did someone say there was cake over there" expression. There is lots of food to eat so my top tip is..............................Elasticated trousers or Super Glue as Lip Gloss


4. This is possibly how you may find me on Saturday morning after a few (cough cough) glasses of the fizzy stuff.

5. Here we have my "Its all over and I don't want to go home" very sad face.....................Look at that face..........................Its like Puss In Boots.

6. Assuming you still don't recognise me................................Here's my normal (I use these words loosely) face.

Looking forward to seeing you all very soon...............................Not long now.........................Squeal !!!!!!

P.S If you did see this last year than I am sorry but I would still like a hug.


  1. I love your pictures and I'm obvioulsy moving in the wrong circles nowadays as I've not even seen the meme is live this year. You are right BML is the best. Mich x

  2. Thought I'd left comment on this before! Am really hoping we get to catch up this year! X

  3. Love your photos (I'm sure I wrote the same last year!). It's my 3rd one too. Hope to say hi over cake this year.

  4. Oh it was ace to meet you in person (and to catch cake-face in the flesh!) xx


Love to hear your comments, and I will always try to reply xxx