Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Dear Amelia

Dear Amelia

Its 9am on Friday morning and I am standing watching you walk to school for the last time...........The last time ever...........(Well apart from going in for your exams but I will probably drive you in to calm your nerves). You look so tall and beautiful that my heart swells with pride until I just cannot watch you anymore, a single tear escapes from my eye and I get that familiar feeling of dread in my heart as I remember that this it is almost the end of an era......................The end of the life that we have known for the past 18 years.

I can still remember your first day at school, just 4 years old with a bobbed haircut and 2 front teeth missing. You clung to me as if your life depended on it and I sobbed as I walked home after leaving you hanging from the teachers leg begging me not to go..............I thought my heart was going to break and almost ran back when it was time to pick you up at lunchtime. You jumped into my arms with such force I almost fell over....................."Phew" you said "Have I done school now"?.....................Oh dear oh dear.

It took you a good 6 weeks to get used to it but once you did.............You loved it, even though you were the youngest in the class it didn't faze you and the teachers loved you to bits. You insisted on wearing tights every day and unbeknown to me decided that it would be a good idea to wear knickers over the top to stop them falling down.................Makes perfect sense now.

You breezed through school both Primary and Secondary and decided very early on that you wanted to be a teacher when you grew up...............And now you have..................You have grown up.........Right before my eyes................In a blur................In a rush ......................And far too quickly.

Now time suddenly seems more precious than ever, we don't have long until you leave for your next big adventure.................................Your biggest adventure ever....................................4 months to be precise..................................4 months until I am sure my heart will break again as I have to leave you again except this time at University.

To say I will be proud will be an understatement but selfishly I will wish that you had decided to get a job right up the road and live at home forever..............................But, I will put on a brave face and smile just as I did on your first day at Primary school telling you that everything will be fine and that I will be back to pick you up soon.....................................I just hope you will pack plenty of knickers to wear over those tights.

Love You To The Moon And Back

I am linking up with the fabulous Loud 'n' Proud

3 Children and It


  1. Holy knickers, I am sobbing after reading that. I can only imagine how hard all these milestones must be for you and your hubby but just remember that she is what you have made her....Happy, confident and brave. A true testament to you both. xxxxxxxxxx

    1. Sorry i made you cry funny, thanks so much for such a lovely comment xxx

  2. *Hugs* The twins leaving school and home to go to university proved to be unexpectedly emotional for me last year so I know exactly how you feel. I promise the pride stops the tears. Well, almost xx

    1. I can't imagine having 2 leaving home at the same time, thanks so much for your comment xxx

  3. Be prepared to cry your eyes out the whole way home from taking her n leaving her at Uni. It was. The. Hardest. Thing. I ever. Did. But you'll survive! I did! Mine's just come back - today! Xx

    1. I am already stocking up on tissues and dreading that day so much. xx

  4. Howling here. Brought it all back... And be prepared for uni. Was going to be so brave. Cried all through dinner, all the way home, and all night! But she's such a beautiful girl, and a credit to you. Your heart will be full of pride too xx

    1. Bless your heart, thank you so much. I think once the tears have finally gone i will feel such pride xx

  5. Helen @ Witty Hoots27 May 2015 at 00:35

    Oh my this has struck deep today. Eldest is doing AS levels & starting to look at applying for University for next year. Where has the time gone?

    1. It such a tricky stage isn't it and no sooner have they started their AS they are already having to look at Unis xx

  6. Oh it goes by so quickly doesn't it, My oldest left on Friday, he's got a few a levels to sit and then he's finished... he's off to Peru in September and then off to Uni next year!! I feel a bit envious ;)

    1. Peru.....Wow....What a fantastic adventure. It isn't going to be easy but just think how proud we will feel xxx

  7. Ahh what a lovely post :-) Time goes so quickly doesn't it.

    Helen X

    1. Thankyou Helen time does indeed go so quickly, as i am really finding out now. xxxx

  8. oh gosh its a flash back isnt it , what i would do to be back they dont realise but its a leanring curve we all need to take

    1. I didn't go to Uni but i can imagine how exciting it must be, she is so giddy with it all and i am sure she is going to have a great time xx

  9. Awww, you must be so proud at how well your daughter has done. Exciting times ahead. x

  10. Oh wow... this is so emotional! good luck... you are doing amazing. x

  11. Aw bless you - my two are 12 and 10 and I already dread this moment x x

  12. I'm in exactly the same situation. I was so proud of my son getting a place at Uni but my heart will be breaking when I leave him xxx

  13. Heartbreaking. This is many years off for me, but I can feel the sadness already. Such a beautiful post, and a tribute to your daughter's school years.

  14. Oh wow, so many changes ahead for you. Best of luck to Amelia. Mich x

  15. We are about to begin the school journey and I am dreading September coming. I bet it doesn't feel that long ago you were in my position. Best of luck to your daughter

  16. Oh bollocks you got me at school! Possibly as Poppy starts in September and we have no idea where yet! Such a beautiful, beautiful post Sam - must have been bloody hard to write. She's ace though that Amelia because she has you as her Mummy. See you soon chicken for chippies up the snozzies! xxx

  17. Aww it must be so hard seeing your kids grow up. I bet it goes by all to quickly.

  18. Bless you Sam, I cannot imagine how you must be feeling :( No wonder you are proud, she's done so amazingly well and now on to University - possibly the biggest step of all? Thank goodness we ease in gently across the 18 years, couldn't cope otherwise! Thanks for linking up to #loudnproud this week. x x

  19. That's so beautiful. Time really does fly by far too quickly. My kids are all going to go to the university down the road and live at home and they're most definitely not going on gap years! (In my head, anyway.)

  20. Oh I had a tear in my eye reading this!! x

  21. Oh my! I have all this to come. My daughter is approaching one year old and I already sob when I leave her with the childminder! I need to get a grip! You must be very proud. Beautiful piece, full of emotion. Lucy@bottlefor2

  22. Good luck to your daughter as she starts on her new adventure at university in September. It's not easy to let go but it is all part of growing up and our children are not ours to keep - sad I know!

  23. I am sure I will feel exactl;y the same when the time comes - oh how I wish we could slow it down somehow! Now is just perfect x

  24. oh wow this made me cry! .. big loves to you both on this next chapter lovely x

  25. Wow, I have an Amelia too, and I found the move over to secondary school emotional last year, goodness knows how I'll manage Uni...and then again with my baby girl a couple of years later ...gut-wrenching. A lovely post, she will be just as proud of you as you are of her x

  26. Aw such a lovely letter. Gosh it's so hard isn't it? From the first day to the last day. Really beautiful writing.

  27. This is so lovely, I'm just starting this journey myself as my little boy will be starting school in September :) xx

  28. My youngest starts school in September and I know I'm going to be an emotional mess when that time comes. I'm glad I don't have to think about university just yet, but children definitely do grow up so quickly.

  29. Oh Sam!! Gulp! I hate any "end of an era" type things... But this one must be hardest of all! So much to be proud f though, and so much to be thankful for. Thinking of you lovely lady!xx

  30. Wow, what a milestone! My little one starts school this year, so I can imagine the emotions xx

  31. Beautiful. I'm in a state about big man starting juniors. I really can't believe how quick it goes xx

  32. What wonderful comments from you all, thank you so so much xxx


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