Tuesday, 3 September 2013

The Never Again Room

Our big project this year was to get the bathroom updated....When I say updated I actually mean..............Totally ripped out and gutted. For those that know me well they will confirm that this is quite possibly a complete nightmare for someone like me who is not only a self confessed control freak but also a clean nut who hates mess and chaos.

Mr DG assured me that it would all be over quickly this theory was flushed down the loo when we were told it would actually take 2 weeks.......................Everything was in place for the big day and I have to say that I was relatively calm (for me). The builders arrived and got to work straight away ripping the heart out of my little house. I must point out at this stage that we only have one bathroom and more to the point one loo......Yes, that's right.................One Loo!!!!!

The plan was that we would go up to Mums morning and evening to shower and this worked very well. Each person had their own wash bag and towel and off we trotted like we were on a camp site into the Wash House as we lovingly named it. Mum was amazing and very patient with all our coming and goings even making tea and toast in the morning for all of us.

By the end of week one the novelty of going to the Wash House was wearing a bit thin and the boys decided they would have a wash in the sink downstairs in the kitchen (God, I'm actually shaking even saying it) in the morning and us beautifully clean girls would continue with the original plan.

The Loo situation was solved by our wonderful friends and neighbours offering us the use of theirs in the daytime and ours was plumed back in each evening.

As week two began it all started to take shape and my designs came to life made possible by my now favourite builder who sensed my total fear of mess and cleared up after himself every evening.

Finally Friday arrived and.........................Ta Da........................It was finished.............................I cannot tell you how happy I am at this very moment and am planning on spending most of my day in there today.

So  without further ado....................I give you.....................................My New Bathroom................Now lovingly known as "The Never Again Room".


  1. wow i so know how you felt, we had ours done and by goodness i was almost rocking by the time it was all finished!!

    Your bathroom looks amazing!! (better than mine!lol)

    Thanks for linking up with #Magicmoments x

    1. Hee hee, yes me too all I needed was a padded jacket. Thanks my lovely friend xxxx

  2. thanks for linking up again with #magicMoments honey .. i think you just like to make my uber jealous! lol


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