Monday, 8 September 2014

Once Upon A Time

Good morning readers, its been exactly 47 days since I wrote last................................I know................................47 days...................................I have never had a holiday from my blog before and it was tough I'm not going to lie but feels very rewarding at the same time. I am back with a new look page and lots of ideas all buzzing round in my head.

My blog and I parted ways on the 23 July with this post.........It was my Summer Bucket List and I was filled with excitement as I wrote all the fabulously unique things I had come up with to do over the break with the kids.

I managed somehow to complete........................................................None of it.....................Nope...........................Not one bloody thing. How did I manage to undertake this amazingly poor show............................I will tell you.

Are you sitting comfortably ? Then I shall begin.................................................

Once upon a time there was a knackered, overweight, overworked and underpaid Mum who had grand ideas of laying in a hammock and reading a book, building a sandcastle, laying out under the stars, writing and generally other wonderfully sounding ideas that all resembled something out of a novel.

Unfortunately, she had Teenagers who in their extreme wisdom decided that her bucket list was not only a bit lame but totally embarrassing too. The thought of their mother jumping into a pool fully clothed or having a water fight in full view of other humans was just too much for them to bear.

With this in mind the knackered, slightly overweight Mum came to the conclusion that they could in fact "sod off" and she would instead have a perfect summer of reading, laughing and drinking wine whilst watching the sunset over Devon.

The Teenagers didn't understand this behaviour one little bit and hatched a plan to sabotage her new found enjoyment. Unfortunately for them slightly overweight Mum was three thoughts ahead  (as always) and threatened to confiscate all means of electronic social media devices and banish them to the land of "Get to your room"...........This upset The Teenagers so much that they called on the great and wise one known as "Dad" to aid them in their quest to wind up Knackered Mum as previously planned.................Once he had listened intently to their plight he too told them to"sod off" and joined overweight Mum in her revised bucket list.

They were so shocked at this sudden show of unity that they both turned on each other and normal behaviour was resumed in its entirety.

After many hours of sulking and muttering it became apparent to The Teenagers that resistance was futile and that they may as well join in with Mum and Dad (minus the wine) . They too sat and watched the sunsets and chatted quite happily, laughed and joked with each other and played games with Knackered Mum and Wise Dad until bedtime. During the day they walked on golden beaches, read books and ate chips in the sand dunes. Harmony was restored to the land and all was well.

And they all lived happily ever after.

The End.

So you see, my bucket list was not all completely wasted just changed very slightly. This story was the main reason I didn't blog for the whole six weeks, I was having such a great time with my family that it didn't seem fair to plonk myself in front of the laptop after I had asked them to put their lifelines phones away.

I became aware that my eldest is going to Uni next year and holidays together might be few and far between and that our lives are evolving into the next phase. However, this blog is my little journal and for that I will always be thankful.

People often ask me why I do it and what do I get out of it............My answer is simple........Memories.....Pure and simple memories. I will admit to getting strange looks but am I "bovvered"........No I am not.

Plus.............................Its a lot cheaper than therapy.

Lots of Love


  1. 'It's a lot cheaper than therapy' - love it! You are so right though - I wish I hadn't been so busy this summer. My eldest will go to high school next year so, while it's not the same as Uni, it does mean he is already spending less and less time with us. You've inspired me to get my act together to try to take next summer off!

    1. I am glad to of inspired you Heather, it was so liberating and I am appreciating my blog so much more now that I'm back xxxx

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Sooo with you in needing a break from the blog, and wanting to kick back in the hols. My kids needed my attention. Before the hols, i was needing to focus, yes focus, on my book work (sounds much grander than it is btw) but also i just needed to not do any social media stuff. I felt like you. Tired and so i just embraced the non-blogging and enjoyed it. Oh and i'll let you into a secret - I don't DO any lists in the summer. The whole point of the hols is throw out the lists, isn't it? It is for me anyway. So you're body (and your kids) were telling you the same. Surprised they weren't joining you in on the wine though....;-) PS Lovely to have you back. PPS Can you pop that tweet re printing my poem off to put on the fridge on my blog?! xx

    1. Ooooo now book work does sound intriguing. I am with you next year in the whole no list thingy. Thanks my gorgeous friend xxx

  4. Welcome back! You're right to make the most of the time you have with your children. I worked through all my university holidays and when I graduated I moved 180 miles away.

    1. Thankyou, that's exactly what I am worried about especially as she has a little part time job now too. xxx

  5. And if you ever give up, I shall go into mourning. I too realised that my children are growing up and that next summer, my 15 year old might not want to spend so much time with us. This summer we had some really valuable quality time and made so many memories. I don't regret any of it. So pleased to have you back lovely x x

  6. Welcome back to blogging, I hope the break did you good x

    1. Thankyou my lovely, it really did. Enjoyed your latest post xxxx

  7. Totally agree with needing a break from blogging over the summer - plus with 'back to school' in the air I've used it as a great prompt to get organised!

    1. I know what you mean Rosie, I feel so much more energised now and I think my blog is even glad to have me back xxx

  8. Glad you had a nice summer. Glad the teens came round to your way of thinking too.
    I don't want to even think about my boy going off to Uni next year :(

    1. I don't think they had a choice to be honest, it was either join in or loose out xxxxx

    2. We shall console each other next year re Uni xx

  9. It sounds like a wonderful summer and good for you. I am too scared to take a break, I have convinced myself my blog will combust if I don't feed it everyday! :) x

    1. I thought that too but mine was still here waiting. I think having a makeover helped the separation xxx

  10. Well done with the tech free break. We are having #signoffsundays and evenings!

  11. Nice to have a break sometimes as it helps to re-fresh your mind .x

    1. It really did Hannah, although im not the refreshed mind will last xxx

  12. Sounds like you did eventually have a good summer after the initial rebellion!

    It is good to take a break now and then and the summer holidays is the perfect time x

  13. Sounds like you had a much needed break to refresh yourself x

  14. I shared quite a few guest posts over the summer as I was too busy enjoying myself too! The summer went to quickly though boo x

  15. sometimes a break is just what you need!

  16. I loved reading this post and I admire you to have taken time out to spend quality time with your family.

  17. Loved this post! Typical teenagers not understanding things! I'm pleased they came round and it sounds like you had a great summer holiday x


Love to hear your comments, and I will always try to reply xxx