Thursday, 12 June 2014

Selfie or On The Shelfie ?

Definition of a Selfie .............................A photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smart phone or web cam and uploaded to a social media website.

Yesterday myself and HRH (The Female Teen) took ourselves off to the movies to see Malificent. As we sat there drink in hand and popcorn between us I had the rather brilliant idea (I thought) of taking a "selfie" of the two of us...................................................This suggestion was met with not just horror but down right disgust at the mere thought of it......................................Was she embarrassed of me or just having a Teen moment.....................................Actually it wasn't either of those...............................It was just the whole "grown ups doing selfies" thing that bothered her.

That's the problem you see, they (the kids of today) think that they have invented bloody everything including taking photos of yourself...........................................Let me tell you, if I had had the technology that they all have at school these days I would of been permanently on it taking bloody selfies and groupies for that matter.

Has this public show of embarrassment put me off....................................................Of course not.............................It now makes me want to do it even more.

Looking back over some of my favourites I can understand why she may be a little embarrassed...

This was probably one of my first ever selfies................................OK, OK, I didn't actually take it but I would of if I had had a iPhone. Check out that rather fetching roll neck jumper, I was a huge fan of The Professionals and fashioned myself on Lewis Collins.

The Pout - Probably not best attempted at my age but to be fair I was at a fancy dress party and had gone as Sue Ellen from Dallas. Its a shame Mr DG didn't want to be on here......He looked hysterical as Bobby !!!

 The "Lets take one whilst we are driving" one - Not a great idea but we had been stuck in traffic for ages on our way to a health spa so I think we were alright. Particularly loving the "Don't get me in it" pose from The Northern Mothers best friend.

The "Look at me I'm trying to stay looking young" one - This had to be done based on the fact that I just looked so ridiculous............Bet you wouldn't see a Teen doing this.

 The "I've had too much Gin" one - I personally think these are the best types of selfies................What do you think??

 The "I've run out of Gin" one..........

 The "Its OK, I've found it" one. At least I think that's what's happening here......................................

So there you have it, my top selfie pics. Some you may wish to recreate and some you may not but make no mistake........................................This was not your idea kids it was just made possible by technology.

With Brit mums fast approaching I shall be looking to take lots of photos so get your best Selfie face ready folks.

Lots of love


  1. Tee hee, I love your gin expressions. I have all this disapproval to come xx

  2. My boys are 2 and 4 and hugely into selfies. They therefore admire any of mine at the moment.... their shame at me is yet to come ;) I love the no gin one best. I feel like that most days ;)

  3. This really made me smile! Especially the gin selfies! Very funny :-)

  4. I LOVE the gin selfies, maybe that is why I don't take many - I need more gin!

    1. They are the best ones....Between you and me....I have many of them xx

  5. I love it!
    Great selfies - great post! x

  6. loving the selfies lol, i often take them myself lol, not a poser honest

  7. I have a teen too and so I'm used to being embarrassing. I didn't know we weren't allowed to take selfies so I'll take one next time I'm out with her somewhere and see what happens!

  8. I'm probably best with the I've had too much wine selfies

  9. I was born ready! Even my husband takes the mickey out of how many selfies I have on my phone. Why should it be reserved just for the kids?! I love a good selfie :)

  10. This made me chuckle so much! Love your teens horrified reaction! Bring on the Britmums Live selfies is what I say!!

  11. Hahrrr some fab pics made me smile .x

  12. Well done for not getting put off by your daughter. Super selfies.

  13. Love your selfies - it looks like you're having lots of fun lol

  14. Lol love the driving in the car selfies! I guess when we were kids we thought we had invented everything too!

  15. Haha love them - especially the gin/no gin ones.

  16. A great set of selfies!! I love a selfie, I have no shame in saying that - I was taking them before these new fandangled smartphone whatsamajiggers!! x

  17. Love your gin face, I shall be looking out for it at BritMums!

  18. Haha some fantastic selfies loving the gin face - and can't wait to see lots of BritMums selfies :) x

  19. What a great collection of photos - I love the one in the car!!

  20. I do love me a good #selfie! these are fab x


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